Just because it's the LAW

For today I will be talking about something that most people don't even know exists.
1st Corinthians 10:23
All things are LAWFUL for me, but all things are not HELPFUL; all things are LAWFUL for me, but all things do not EDIFY.
This is a bittersweet scenario. this happens in our everyday lives. we believe just because something is made the law it is right. The laws are created by humans and as far as they don't go in line with the Word of God which is the ultimate law, it is WRONG.
Don't be mistaken, on the day of Judgement, the law would be rendered useless. The law would deny you. You can't even blame it on something that would be out of existence as of that time.
The Bible says it clearly that just because something is the law, doesn't make it right. So do not be deceived. Work out your salvation with Fear and Trembling, for how long the law will last is uncertain.
I am not saying be disobedient to the law. No, don't get me wrong. You can tell your right from your wrong!
#endtimes #likeatheifinthenight #jesusiscomingveryverysoon #liverighteous #liveright
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