TIME- Doesn't discriminate!!!
Time is EVERYTHING!!!!

It is normal for there to be a time when a child is born and when the person dies.
it is normal for there to be a time when a plant sprouts up and when the plant dries up
It is normal for there to be a time when you break down and when you build up.
Time is one very important thing that cannot be altered no matter how hard you try. Time it self is a gift God gave to all humanity accordingly. Nobody has more time than the other. We all have the same 24 hours.
But the different unequal thing is how we spend our time. How we spend our time defines us. Time is no respecter of person. When you can't plan your time well, you are planning to fail. Don't Just wake up every morning and just do what life throws at you. It's your time, why are you allowing other things to get more priority?

There is a time for you to labor and a time for you to rest. u something about time is if you switch what you are meant to do at a particular time for another, for example resting before laboring, then when you are meant to really rest, you will be laboring. You can't cheat time.
Everything is beautiful in its time. Be patient. When babies are in the womb, if an ultrasound of the baby is taken, at 3 months, what you see is different from the beautiful creature you would see at nine months. It takes time for the baby to mature. Same thing applies to our daily lives. Don't uproot what you have harvested before the time for harvest because it might be too immature to survive.

Time..... the greatest non-living thing that has no discrimination.
#livewithtime #timewaitsfornoman #timeisgolden #time #time #time
Photo: www.timecenter.com
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