Tales the seed told me

The seeds were beautiful
Waiting to be planted in the soil
The weeds were uprooted
The soil was tilled
The farmer made heaps
Then the seed was planted
The seed prayed for the sun
To help with photosynthesis
Even though the sun was smoking hot
Making life unbearable for the seed
But the seed needed the sun
Because the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages
That no matter how hot the sun might be
There is a time when the moon will come
With its gentle breeze cooling everything along its way
The seed also knew that water was there to make it feel refreshed
The day it rained
It beat the seed so had
But guess what
That seed was no longer a seed
It was in a process called germination
A process of growth
Now back to the rain
The heavy drops of the rain
Beating the tip of the plant
Faster than an heartbeat
But the plant had no fear of getting drowned
Because the advantage far outweighed the disadvantage
And had a reassurance
Because it knew the sun would come
Sooner than the night
Drying out all the water
Faster than it ever imagined
Grown so big
With fruits and seeds
Very attractive
But the bad part
Nobody knows
How much the plant endured
Just to survive
And reproduce
It made it through
Starting small is not bad. You were once small, but you grew big. A big tree was once small. Life is in stages. You have to see good in everything. Encourage yourself. Whatever is hard on you today, is building you up for your testimony tomorrow. Just like the sun and the water in the tales from the seed. Sometimes if we don't face hard times, we are not motivated to grow. There is a training process before you start something. Learn all you can about it. Gather information when you can about what you to do. Don't go into something you know nothing about. Just like the way the farmer had to cut the grass and make heaps.Research! You are what you know! People respect you for what you know.When you work hard for something, you would be able to handle it well. The only bad thing is to remain small. Do all you can. Read more. Learn more.
There is time for everything.
Be like the plant!
#talestheseedtoldme #Godswatchman #befruitful
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