Normality in Abnormality Part 1

Happy Sunday everyone!
Today,  we will be starting a week series of normality in abnormality.  In this presence world there are things that are abnormal but we have taken it as normal.
Our text of study would be from Proverbs 25. If the following lessons are well applied,  it would help build our Integrity.

Lesson 1
Proverbs 25:4
Take out impurities out of silver and an artist can produce a thing of beauty.

Anything can be made beautiful once the impurities has been removed. Most times, we wonder what is really going on in our lives.  Why is our life so stagnant?  Why are we not moving forward? We tend to forget those bad characters that are considered normal such as lying,  stealing,  cursing, fornication,  adultery,  e.t.c make us impure and thus unfit for good things.  Vessels into honour can only be made from pure materials. Strong kingdoms are built upon men of integrity,  men that have submitted to the will of God and are pure in heart. Everyone wants to work with someone who has integrity!
Avoid such sins and be clean
Be a vessel unto honour!
Be a man of integrity!
God bless you!
To be continued tomorrow..


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