Normality in Abnormality Part 2
Yesterday, we started the normality in abnormality series.
It was defined as the abnormal things that are considered normal in this generation. Bible reference Proverbs 25.
Lesson 2
Proverbs 25:6-7
"Don't demand an audience with the king or push for a place among the great. "
This looks very normal in our generation. Wait for an invite. Don't jump into matters. It is better to wait for an invitation than to be sent back to the end of the line, publicly disgraced. When you have invite, there is a 99% chance of not been disgraced. It also applies to our every day life. Another example is talking when you are not called to talk, going somewhere when you were not invited. Don't be presumptuous. When you wait for your time, it builds one's integrity.
To be continued tomorrow!
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