The Revelation.....

Two different thoughts
Only you knows what you think
Nobody else
Also only God knows what he thinks
Nobody else
You don't reveal your thoughts to everyone
There has to be this level of trust
God also doesn't reveal the deep and secret things to everyone
Only to those who are his own
No eyes has seen, no ears has heard,  neither has the mind imagined what God has in stock for those who love him
When you have a deep interaction and connection with the spirit,
You have an opportunity of knowing these things through the spirit
And when you know this wonderful things
You don't easily get discouraged.
But these words sounds like foolishness in the ears of those who aren't Christians
Because they lack the understanding of the spirit
You can only know and understand what Christ is thinking,
If you have the mind of Christ
Give your life to Christ
And have a deep understanding of the spirit
Get closer to God,  study and meditate on your Bible
Then alone can you enjoy the benefits
#1Corinthians2 #understanding #holy spirit #revelation #Godswatchman


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