The Seeker
She slept before she worked
She harvested before she planted
She ate before she cooked
She grew up before she was born
All these things looked abnormal
Pushing the cart before the horse
This same thing applies to our generation
We are doing things the other way round
And yet expecting the same results
The Bible says
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added into you" Matthew 6:33
But now we go after things like treasures, money and stuff and then say we will seek God later
And this leads to a lot of struggles, challenges and losses.
Let us learn to follow the order of things
Let's do first things first
For God is a rewarded of those who diligently seek him!
Seek God first, and other things would follow
Hebrews 11:6b, Matthew 13:44-48
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