Abomination!!! Part 1
This week, we would be starting another series called abomination.....
There are 6 things the lord hates and 7 are an abomination to him... Proverbs 6:16-20
Number 1: A proud look
Pride goeth before a fall
A popular saying heard by many
But observed by a few
Forceful humility would befall the proud
But honour would befall the humble
Why not cut down your boastful wings
And put on a garment of humility
Why not avoid the stress
Of falling before being humbled
By avoiding pride
By been humble and then honoured
For the rise of the fallen
Might be plaguing
You either rise or not
The aftermath of such fall
Is unpredictable....
Looking proud is an abomination to God. Remember you just look proud, you ain't behaving proud. So what then will we categorize being proud as; a double abomination.
God hates the proud. He gives grace to the humble. No wonder pride goes before a fall. A proud man is always looking down on people and not seeing the glorious things above. There is no better gift than humility. It saves you of stress...
Be humble
To be continued
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