
God's words, are ye and amen.  If he promises to do something,  he would do it. He does exactly as he promises.  God doesn't lie.  Can you remember the promise Good gave Noah, never to destroy the earth with flood again using a rainbow as a sign to remember his promises. Genesis 9:11-13

Since we are children of God,  we should always keep our promise.  If you can't keep it,  then don't make a promise.

But some of us don't do what is right. God might have promised,  but if you don't do what is right and good in the lord's sight, you may not partake of the promise. This is how we miss God's promise for our lives. Deuteronomy 6:18;7:12
Vows are also promises- marriage vows, money vows,  e.t.c.  Deuteronomy 23:21. Let us fulfil our vows if not we would be guilty of sin.
It is dangerous to make a rach promise to God before counting the cost
Proverbs 20:25
A person who doesn't give a promised gift is like clouds and wind that don't bring rain
Proverbs 25:14 pub been
So when you make a promise to God, don't delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him
It is better to say nothing than to promise something that you don't follow through on.
Ecclesiastes 5:4-5


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