The medal and the race
During a race, an athlete encounters a lot of things. He might have muscle cramps, he might fall or make mistakes by changing lanes. No one gets the medal until the race finishes. The athlete only gets the medal if he finishes well. Just because he fell doesn't mean he can't win the race. To win the race, he has to abide by the rules of the game. An athlete must also wear the right outfit to be able to run well.
This illustration also applies to our Christian race. You cannot receive a crown until you have finished the race. Hebrews 11:40. Our Christian race is a very long one. We must also abide by the rules by keeping God's commandments and also obeying them. God's word should be a source of energy to finish the race. Grace is needed for the race. We must put on our helmet of salvation, shield of faith and love, sword of the spirit, sturdy belt of truth, body armour of God's righteousness and the show of peace to finish the race well
Ephesians 6:14-17
Remember that everyone runs a race but not everyone wins the prize. You must run this race in a way that you would win. Athletes practice strict self control. They watch what they eat and drink. They do it for a prize that would fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So run straight to the goal with purpose in every step. Don't miss your way. Discipline your body like an athlete so that you would not be disqualified even after you have preached to others. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27...
Have a nice week ahead.....
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