When show off goes wrong...

Show off is the process of attracting attention for the purpose of bragging or personal exhibition.
In Matthew 6, we are told of some instances where show off is wrong.

1. When you give, don't show off by shouting it out to get attention of your charity.  Don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing when you give. Some of us just like to be noticed when we give.  If you show off your giving,  you would lose your reward from God in heaven and it would become a fruitless effort.

2. When you pray,  don't have the mindset of "let everyone know I am praying".
Pray with all humility.

3. When fasting,  don't make it obvious. Don't let everyone know you are fasting Comb your hair,  wash your face,  dress well,  wear good clothes,  don't look pale. When you do this,  no one would suspect you are fasting except God and he would reward you.

God bless you!

Image source: National Geographical Society.


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