Actions speak louder than words...

Do you really love God?  Don't just say it. Show it.  Show it by your daily activities, your behaviour to people and your actions.

What you do outweighs what you say. Do you say you are a child of God but your actions are something else?  Watch it! It's written all over your face,  the way you show Jesus.

Can you sing?  Can you Dance? Can you draw?  Do you have anything to offer the world?  SHOW IT! Be proud of yourself. Even Jesus was not believed by people until they saw the miracles he did. John 2:23

Nobody is going to believe what you say. People believe what they see.  Seeing is believing. No matter how good you say you are, if you have nothing to show for it, you are as good as nothing.

Don't hide what you have.  Don't hide your talents,  just because you are shy.  The world still needs people,  but not shy people.  You might make mistakes,  but you also learn from them.  Don't be limited because of your mistakes.  You will be judged by your actions and not your words on the day of Judgement.
Show what you got!!!


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