The turnover...

This life is like a coin.  It has two sides
The good and the evil.  The head and
the tail. Only God has the total control
over this coin.

Sometimes the devil might try to flip
this coin,  by this only happens when
you let the devil in consciously or unconsciously. Mind you the devil won't come to you plain. He is very tricky and cunny.

But when someone greater steps in,
the devil doesn't have a say. The devil is defeated.
When God steps into a situation,  there is
divine turnover.  What people meant for
evil,  God turns it around for your good.
Genesis 50:20

Just put your faith and hope in God.
Trust him always.  Give him the wheel
of your life.  Let him in.  Let him take total control. Don't let the devil in.  Check your ways.

Give your life to Jesus.  He is all that you
will ever need.


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