Things that should live in your hearts...

An apparel of tender hearted mercy, kindness,  humility, gentleness and patience.
An apparel of love.  Love binds us all together in perfect harmony. Whatever way you can,  show love.  Have a heart of peace. Show peace everywhere you go.

Appreciate things and people.  Be thankful. A thankful heart is always happy
And you also lift up the heart of a person you are thankful to.

Let your tongue always speak the word of Christ.  Let God's word live in you. Don't do anything that God doesn't like.  Use his word to teach people.

Be thankful to God by singing.
Whatever you say or do, let your actions represent Christ. We are the books people read. Be a representative of Christ. Don't let people see God in a bad way as a result of your actions.
Show Jesus everywhere you go

Let all these abide in your hearts instead of hatred,  strife and evil thoughts. They pollute the mind!  Have a heart of gold!
#colossians 3:12-17


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