Total Surrender

This song,  "I surrender all" is a song
sang by many but only observed by a few.

When we say we surrender all to God,
it means all.  Not half, or a quarter.
No % off. It means all.

Even John the Baptist had this understanding.  In John 3:30, John said he must decrease while Jesus must increase.

In our daily lives,  let us give Jesus our all.
It might be hard,  but it is worth it.
Let us go where ever he sends us.
Let his word take preeminence in our lives.

When you surrender to a person, you do
everything that person says.  The same
thing applies when you give your life
to Jesus.  When you give your life to Jesus,
you are no more your own.  Christ owns
you.  Surrender your all to Jesus.
Do whatever he says.
Always give your best to Jesus
Surrender totally.
When you give Jesus your all,
you won't lack anything.
It might be hard,
but remember it will always be worth it!


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