A change of Garments

When we are at home,  we don't put on dirty,  smelly rags because we are not going anywhere.  Right?  We still put on clean cloths even though they might not be as fancy.

This can be likened to out daily  lives.  Our behavior is like a garment we put on.  This kind of garment is not physical but it can be felt.
I am going to be calling behavior, garments.
When you have filthy garments,  it means you have some bad habits that cause your inner garments to be dirty.

There are also clean garments. God can change your garment from filthy to clean. Jesus already died on the cross and took away every gross thing on our lives. He made an exchange of our filthy garments and washed us clean with his blood.

But there is one thing we all have in common,  that is freedom of choice. Nobody can force you to put on the clean garment. The choice is yours.
Take the step,  confess your sins and let the blood that was she'd and is still pouring cleanse you.
Only God can give you a clean garment without blemish


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