Best new year resolution...
I learnt this at church today! It's a new year, a new day, a new month and a new week!
2016 might have been hard, have hope for 2017! Your 2017, might not have started as cool as you wanted it to be. But let me tell you something real quick;
You can't see the stars unless its dark. In a chess puzzle, it is said a master player looks 30 moves ahead. That means he has seen the end if the game before it even started. So even though it might look like the opponent is winning, he already knows the moves and what the opponent would do. The same thing applies to our daily lives. God is the master planner of our life. He already knows how our lives would turn out before it even started. We know this because all things work together for our good because we live God.
Sometimes things are not as juicy but at the end, it is worth it. You can't drink grape fruit, it has to be crushed to produce a better, sweeter and nice looking taste and look. 2016 might have being crushing, but have hope for 2017! When you trust in God, he is never late!
Sometimes God would put you on hold because he sees what you cannot see. It might look rosy to you but God sees way ahead. And when you are on hold, what you should do is pray and fast. Fasting gets you focused on God.
Your dreams might not be God's vision for your life. That's the difference between your dreams and God's vision.
If a plane wants to land in the airport, the pilot informs the control tower. Then the control tower tells the pilot whether it is safe to land or not. This is because they can see beyond what the pilot can see. So when it is not safe, they keep the plane on hold. Just because the plane is on hold doesn't mean the pilot won't be in touch with the control tower . The control tower still tells them what to do.
So while you are on hold, make sure you keep talking to God, the control tower. Because you are told things that goes on around you that you might now see.
Once you get how big God is, your stuff becomes small. So Gaze at God and glance at your problems! The more you gaze at God, you know he is greater than your hater, he is bigger than your problems
You can't get it right until you check what's wrong.
You are positioned in This chapter for your next breakthrough opportunities in the next chapter. God is using where you are to set you up for where God is going to take you.
When God has something for you, the accelerated speed at which you would move, would be being your comprehension.
The best new year resolution is to keep your focus on God. He is all that you will ever need!
You are being set up! So trust in the lord with all your heart! God will direct your path!
Happy new year!!
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