Grace and truth... TMM Devotional
Hi everyone! I would be posting a devotional weekly! Read and be blessed.
TMM Devotional.
Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth. John 17:17.
You can have a complete metamorphosis through the Word of God. The glory of God is manifested only when there is a balance between grace and truth. Religion doesn't transform, legalism doesn't transform. For the person who feels dirty, harsh rules could create a sense of self-righteousness. God doesn't have to punish you to heal you. Jesus has already prayed for you...
Believe the word of God and be free. Jesus our lord was a great emancipator of the oppressed. It does not matter whether someone has been oppressed socially, sexually or racially; our Lord is an eliminator of distinctions...
This is to say, God is no respecter of persons. He tears down barriers that would promote prejudice and separation in the body of Christ. Yet it is important also to note that while there is no distinction in the matter in which we receive any of those groups, there should be an appreciation for the uniqueness of the groups' individuality. It is cultural rape to teach other cultures or race that the only way to worship God is the way another race or culture does.
🎯 God doesn't have to punish you to be heal you. Jesus has already prayed for you.
Image source : TGC
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