Modern Day Idolatry...

When it comes to idolatry,  there are four questions that are commonly asked.
1. What is an idol?
2. Why should we abstain from idol          worship?
3. Do people still worship idols in this modern day world?
4. How can you stop idol worship?

The book of Colossians 3:5-6 has the answer to all these questions.
In the NLT translation,  it says
5 So put to death the sinful,  earthly things
   lurking within you.  Have nothing to do
   with sexual sin, impurity, lust and  
   shameful desires.  Don't be greedy for the
   good things of this life,  for that is
6 God's terrible anger will come upon those
   who do such things.

So back to our questions.
1. What is an idol?
An idol does not only refer to a graven or carved image. Sexual sin,  impurity, lust, shameful desires and covetousness are all idols.
An idol is something that takes the place of God or the position of God from your life. It could be the things of heaven,  the things of the earth and under the earth.  Exodus 20:4.

2. Why should we abstain from idol worship?
This is because idolatry has the wrath of God attached to it. Colossians 3:6. Nobody wants God's wrath. Remember,  if someone gets angry at you,  you can call into God for help.  But if God is angry at you,  who do you call to for help?  So it is better to stay away from idol worship to prevent God's wrath.

3. Do people still worship idols in this modern day world?
Yes they still do.  Idolatry is clothed in sexual sin,  impurity,  lust,  shameful desires and covetousness. Some people are still worshipping the graven images too.
So once something is taking the place of God in your life,  it is becoming an idol.

4. How do you stop idol worship?
1 Thessalonians 1:9-10
When you turn away from idols,  and turn to God,  Jesus will deliver you from the wrath of God to come.

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God bless you!


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