Our lives like a show glass
To show Jesus means to reflect Jesus. This simply means letting others see Jesus in you.
This can be likened to a show glass. A show glass is usually transparent so that you can have an actual and clear view of what is inside. When the glass is clean and shiny, the contents inside the glass becomes very visible and can attract the buyer. When the show glass is dirty, you won't be able to see inside of it clearly, so what is inside might be misjudged.
We are the show glass. Jesus is the content in the show glass. So when we are clean and without sin, we show Jesus to the world and simultaneously also draw more people to Jesus. But when we are filthy and dirty, people might tend to misjudge Jesus.
One thing about showing Jesus is that it is written all over your face. It's not hard to figure out.
There is a common saying that we are the Bible people read. Our behavior, actions, words and way of life will either bring people to Jesus or not.
You are a representative and an ambassador of Jesus here on earth. An ambassador of a country always makes sure his actions make his country proud. Since we are Jesus ambassadors, let us make him proud.
If your actions are concealing Jesus instead of revealing him, then you should watch it.
Show Jesus!
Happy Sunday!
Photo credit: restaurant equipment mart
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