
The way Satan has been messing with people's lives is so drastic.
Satan just has three mission statements: to kill,  to steal and to destroy. All of his actions are wrapped around those three things.
But people are so blinded that they don't see this mission statements as they are because they are wrapped with fame, money and power.

If these things are not from God,  take note they are bent on killing you,  stealing from you and destroying you.

There is one condition to stop the devil from messing with our lives. This condition is to submit to God and to resist the devil. When you resist the devil,  he will flee from you.  James 4:7.

Don't be around things or people that would make you sin.  Have your mind gazed on God. The devil is so cunny.  But if you can resist him and not fall into his trap, he will flee from you.

Photo: PiH today


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