
Showing posts from August, 2016

A Reminder....

Sometimes you wanna run away from the world You think the whole world is crumbling on your shoulders You believe you can't just get it right You feel like you always woke up on the wrong side of the bed This is a Reminder that Despite what you are going through God got your back Jeremiah 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Just obey his commandments Exodus 19:5: Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. Pray and study the Word. Psalm 119:105:Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. HINT: The Word is God John 1:1 God help us all!!!! Amen.

The Genesis

Today,  I read the book of Genesis 1. And I got a better understanding of the creation From what I understand,  creation is the process of doing something from scratch,  that is creating something out of nothing while making is the process of producing something from already existing. Now back to our subject of discussion.  In Gen 1, God created only 3 things. You getting confused?  Don't worry I'll clear it up. 1. He created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2. He created the whales and birds Genesis 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 3. He created man Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. This means that God really took time out to make t...

New week motivation!

Tips for the new week 1. Sadness is just for a while.  Joy comes in the morning. 2. No matter how difficult something looks,  it might be easier when tried another way 3. If you want others to do good to you,  try doing good to others. 4. There is time for everything.  So set your priorities right. 5. God is always good.  No matter how situations may seem. 6. Work hard!  So you don't have any excuses of why you failed 7. With great power comes great responsibilities.  If you want that position,  work harder than normal 8. Eat well and sleep well.  Take care of your body. 9. Live at peace with all men.  It can be hard,  but you can do it. 10. Develop good relationships.  God will help you,  but he won't come down himself. But will send a man!

The whole duty of man

This is just a reminder God inhabits the praises of his people But he would not share his glory with any man So when God does something for you Don't take the glory yourself Return the glory! He doesn't joke with it. When you fear  God You won't even wanna try sharing it Talk less of really sharing it. And you know the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom! But fools despise wisdom and instructions. Let us hear the conclusion of this matter fear the Lord and keep his commandments This is the first duty of man! You were warned!

When the present becomes a present

If you think you have absolutely nothing You have one thing The present When you look back on your dark past You can't change a thing Right now, You have the present And on top of that you have the future Believe in that! You don't believe in it to change nothing You believe in it in order to survive You can live through it! Philippians 3:13 ESV Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

A little sleep, a lot of slip

A little deep A little slumber A little folding of the arms Not to do anything evil But just to rest Is there anything bad In resting I asked And a response came There is no harm in resting But when you rest while you should be working Then poverty will attack you Like an armed robber No announcements made Like a surprise! So the next time you procrastinate Think on this things Don't say you weren't told You have been warned! #Proverbs 6:10-11 #alittlesleep

No other evidence!.....

Jesus was beaten and wounded for our transgressions Isaiah 53:5 He had no sin in him 1 Peter 2:22 Then I wondered why he received such unjustified beating Then this reminded me of God's love for us John 3:16 In that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us Romans 5:8 He did not die a pleasant death He died so that we can be saved Eph 1:7 That is why there is joy over one sinner that repents.  Luke 15:10 Because when Jesus casts his mind back to the reason he died,  and then seeing salvation happen, he is overjoyed! I need no other evidence I need no other plea It is enough that Jesus died And rose again for me! #salvation #Jesus saves #throughhisblood #nootherevidence

when supply outweighs demand!

Demand as we all know is greater than supply. Even though my course of work is farther from economics I know that human wants are insatiable There is this thirst for more But most times our pockets are too light to lift the burdens of our needs This thought comes up in our minds How I wish I could get this house How I wish I could afford this car How I wish I could buy this dress How I wish,  how I wish There is this idiom that says If wishes were horses,  beggars would ride. But just because you wish for something doesn't mean you get it. But I have this hope that Burns within my heart That outburns a volcano That my God shall supply ALL MY NEEDS according to his riches in glory. And since God created the heavens and earth My needs are like a pico piece in his sight But just because you ask doesn't mean he will give you everytime There is a time for everything He knows when and when not OUR NEEDS WILL NEVER OUTRUN GOD'S SUPPLY Just trust in him ...


Sometimes, Hanging in there is what we need Sometimes, taking a shorter route is all we need Sometimes, taking a break is what we need Sometimes, we all need a little motivation Sometimes, all we need is that one smile Sometimes, all we need is that sense that we belong Sometimes, all we need is love Sometimes, singing out loud is all we need Sometimes, dancing and singing in the shower is all we need Sometimes, that one phone call is what we need Whatever you need, Just find it. Find a reason to continue No matter what, Never give up!

Lesson from the ants.

The ant Hard work is its middle name Making a living an hobby the ant loves Even without a ruler Foolery is not their qualification They have an understanding of times A time to work They work hard all summer A time to play Storing food for the winter They know that without hard work Food becomes a misery Diligence is their resume It knows the law of harvest What you sow, you reap Procrastination is not found in its dictionary Instead it replaces it with determination It knows that when you fail to plan you plan to fail With this understanding It knows that he has to plan for the winter So it does the right thing at the right time Learn from the ants And be wise! #Proverbs6:6-8 #lessonsfromtheants #antsknowledge #antlogy #GodsWatchman

Focus on the Positives

The mind can make a person and destroy a person. Once you put your mind to something you can achieve it.  When you make up your mind by giving up,  most times nothing can change your mind. The mind is a powerful tool. Your mind is who you are. That is why the bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7). So fill your heart will positive thoughts and positive thoughts comes out of you. Positive thinking attracts happiness attached with good things of life Use positive words to fill your heart with positive thoughts Your day might not seem good But there is good in everyday A half glass of water is either half full or half empty It depends on how you view it See the good in all things. Don't hate!

Song Review: Put a Praise on it by Tasha Cobbs

This song is on repeat for the week. Y'all should check it out. Put a praise on it by Tasha Cobbs. Lyrics Below (Solo Verse) There's a miracle in this room With my name on it There's a healing in this room And it's here for me (oohhh adlib) There's a breakthrough in this room And it's got my name on it So I'm gonna put a praise on it I'm gonna put a praise on it Somebody put a praise on it There's a miracle in this room With Tasha's name on it You outta put your name in the atmosphere, C'mon (Tasha talking) There's a healing in this room And it's is here for me There's a breakthrough in this room And it's got my name on it So I'm gonna put a praise on it Somebody put a praise on it Can you help me put a praise on it Somebody put a praise on it Let's Go .... Tasha talking (I dare somebody to put a praise in this room, I declare wherever you are miracles are breakin...

a few words

Put a smile on your face. No matter the situation. Always have a smile It is easier to smile Just a few words

Words of Life

I can't remember where I learnt this, but i just decided to share it with you all Whatever you give may leave your hands but it will never leave your life. Don't assume that delay is denial A glass is either half full or half empty. It depends on how you see it. See the positive side of things. Do not become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific. What lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you. What is right is not always popular and what is popular is not always right. Sometimes good things fall apart so that better things can fall together. Some people create their own storms and get mad when it rains. Be a voice not an echo! Take control of your life. If you were meant to be controlled by others, God would have created you with a remote control. Pick your spiritual sunshades and guard your life.


I believe that I can be Only the best in whatever I do Guaranteed to take the lead Only the best in whatever I do Guaranteed, yes indeed To be the best in whatever I do I extracted this lyrics from a song by Asa titled a place to be. Most times all we really need to do is believe in ourselves Don't wait for anyone to believe in you When you believe in yourself, you have this self-confidence already that cannot be taken away And this only makes you stronger. Stop waiting for people, you start believing Things are better, only if you believe. Believe in your dreams Believe that you can make it Believe that you can do it You can do it, if you believe Beat the very Best!!

Tales the seed told me

The seeds were beautiful Waiting to be planted in the soil The weeds were uprooted The soil was tilled The farmer made heaps          Then the seed was planted              The seed prayed for the sun To help with photosynthesis Even though the sun was smoking hot Making life unbearable for the seed But the seed needed the sun Because  the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages The seed had this hope That no matter how hot the sun might be There is a time when the moon will come With its gentle breeze cooling everything along its way The seed also knew that water was there to make it feel refreshed The day it rained It beat the seed so had But guess what That seed was no longer a seed It was in a process called germination A process of growth Now back to the rain The heavy drops of the rain Beating the tip of the plant Faster than an heartbeat Bu...

A Hopeful Reassurance!

Hi Guys! I was going through something on my mum's phone and saw some pictures These people looked so joyful These people looked so thankful These people looked s relaxed These people looked so happy I wondered what they were joyful about I wondered what could be the source of their joy I wondered what this life had to offer them It looked so amazing Because Despite the economic meltdown It wasn't as if they had Golden plates Or were walking on diamond heels Or were they with a buffet kitchen Neither did they have a huge mansion nor a bunch of servants and maids helping out Then as I was in the wonderland, God laid something in my heart These people are richest people in the world Not because they have money, But simply because they have something that money cannot even afford What did they have, I still Wondered Then again, i saw much more clearly this time These people were joyful for the gift of life They had this believe and reassurance that...

Better days Ahead

No matter how rough the road may be No matter how tough the task may be No matter how hard the journey may go No matter how long the road may take No matter how bad the present may look No matter how hopeless the future may seem No matter how disturbing the situation may look No matter how humiliating that job may be No matter how annoying that boss may be No matter how sad the world may look No matter how discouraging everything is No matter how.. No matter how.... God will Not leave you alone in that situation Things only get better with God Things only get beautiful with God Things only get solutions with God Things can only get better.   Isaiah 41:10 : Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. God will never leave you or forsake you Hebrews 13:5 Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him and He will do thi...