
Showing posts from October, 2017

To the one who doesn't understand physics

To that student who does understand physics Know that to every action There is an equal and opposite reaction Know that those formulas Are not what you can't learn Those equations are not what you can't derive Those questions are not you can't solve But because you don't understand it You dim your eyes to it You study it with the thought in mind "IHATEPHYSICS" "I DON'T LIKE PHYSICS" "I CAN'T UNDERSTAND PHYSICS" Know that if you continue to study it With that thought in mind You will not get it not because you are not trying enough But because your Mind has been unintentionally programmed To not get it. Begin to see what you can do to get it Begin to see the easiest way to help you get Start feeling it! When you feel it,  you get it.... 

To the one waiting for sunshine

To the one waiting for sunshine Try to really focus on your life Not abandoning the hurts and the pain, But rather magnifying the love and the gain You will start to see that you don't look like what you've been through Not because you have been through little But because God's perfect grace Like a shield Protected you. You begin to see that despite all these things You have seen more gain in your pain You have felt more cool breeze than thunderstorms Despite all of your complains You have seen more sunshine than rain This led to the conclusion Yes,  you.... You are not lucky,  you are loved! #notluckyimloved #jonathanmcreynolds #morganharpernichols #africanwriters #newsingle #storyletters #supportgoodmusic #godswatchman