Get out of your Comfort Zone

Joseph was convenient in potiphar's house. He had all he needed. From food to cloth, comfort... But he could not have become a prime minister staying in potiphar's house. So some things happened and he had to go to jail. And from jail, he became the prime minister. I am not saying you have to go to jail before you achieve purpose. I am only saying that sometimes that comfort zone is not your limit. You might think you are comfortable, you don't need to press further. Let me tell you something, when you get to the next level, you would know you haven't reached anywhere. Most times getting to that promised land isn't easy. You might have to pass through a lot of challenges. These challenges build you for where you are going to be. Joseph was the head of the prison. It was preparing him to be the head of Egypt. The Israelites had to go through the wilderness before they got to the promise land. But to a layman,...