
Showing posts from November, 2016

Get out of your Comfort Zone

Joseph was convenient in potiphar's house. He had all he needed.  From food to cloth, comfort... But he could not have become a prime minister staying in potiphar's house. So some things happened and he had to go to jail.  And from jail,  he became the prime minister. I am not saying you have to go to jail before you achieve purpose.  I am only saying that sometimes that comfort zone is not your limit.  You might think you are comfortable, you don't need to press further.  Let me tell you something,  when you get to the next level,  you would know you haven't reached anywhere. Most times getting to that promised land isn't easy. You might have to pass through a lot of challenges.  These challenges build you for where you are going to be. Joseph was the head of the prison.  It was preparing him to be the head of Egypt.  The Israelites had to go through the wilderness before they got to the promise land. But to a layman,...

The danger of being convenient....

Being convenient has done more harm than good to a lot of people. When you are convenient,  you have everything at your disposal. You ain't looking for anything.  Everything is working for your good. Then you forget to pray because you don't need anything and no one is troubling you. The level of your faith reduces because you don't have anything to hope for and the evidence of things you have can be clearly seen. You don't go to church because you are busy with so many activities.  Going to church becomes an hindrance to reaching your goals. But let's recap. Before you got convenient,  you get to church before the service starts, you even stay after church to pray for your life.  But now that you are convenient, you are always staring at your watch thinking "when would church finish?  I have a busy schedule. " Remember God who gave you that convenient life that you're living can also take it from you. Return to the father. Don't...

A Generation's cry...

If you want to make a name in this generation,  you must have invested something that would bring fruits to the dwellers of this generation. What I mean is you must have met a need of the people in this generation. You must have gone out of your way to be different and also to be extraordinary. For you to matter in this generation,  you must have gone out of your comfort zone and done something that this generation needs. You can't stay in your comfort zone and expect everything to fall in pleasant places. You can't remain in one position and then expect change to come. You have to move out!  Make things happen! You must scatter to gather in order to matter! This is our generation cry..... #MondayMotivation

Learning from Experience Part 2

Hi everyone! We would be continuing the topic we started yesterday "Learning from Experience". People often say experience is the best teacher.  But you can learn from somebody's experience.  This would help you to know what to do when such happens to you and help you prevent such from happening to you. Our Bible reference is from 1 Corinthians 10:1-12 4. Some of them were involved in sexual immorality which caused about 23000 of them to die in one day. God hates fornication and adultery.  They are an abomination into him.  See normality in abnormality series or abomination series in my blog! Learn from these people so you don't die an untimely death due to fornication. 5. Some of them tried to test Jesus Christ. And that is how they died of snake bites. Don't put Christ to a test.  Don't even try it. Because the end is disastrous.  Numbers l 14:22, Deuteronomy 6:16 This attitude did not allow some to enter the promise land. 6. Some of th...

Learning from Experience... Part 1

A lot of things happen for a reason Some happen to teach us a lesson Some happen to make us better people Some happen to give us hope and encouragement. Some things have happened in the Bible a long time ago.  Some of us think that those things don't apply to this present life. God's word does not expire, nor does it fade.  His word does not become outdated and it doesn't need to be upgraded. 1. Let's not forget how God sent a cloud to guide the children of Israel in the wilderness. He led them to safety and brought them to the dry ground. That same God can still guide us in everything that we do. He can still lead our path and make straight our crooked path. 2. God provided water and food for them. God is ready to meet our daily needs. He still provides for our daily needs. 3. God was not pleased with their behaviour and he destroyed most of them in the wilderness.  Whenever we do things that God is not pleased with, he can still destroy is. Let us h...

A lover or a loafer?

Do you really love Jesus If you do,  then Take care of his sheep Some of us don't care about people We have this mentality that since we came to this world alone,  other people don't matter. If you really love God,  you would care for others. Do you really love Jesus If you do,  then Feed his sheep Some of us say "when I was busy working,  what were you doing" Remember,  not everyone has access to the opportunities you have. Learn to give Nothing is too small as nothing is too big. What is small to someone isn't small to another What is big to someone isn't big to another. Show your love to Jesus #proveit Action speaks louder than words Are you a lover or a loafer? #John 21:16-17

Are you on track?

Do you prefer playing to praying? Do you prefer taking to giving? Do you get angry unnecessarily? Do you feel you are always right? Do you about instructions? Do you speak what is right and just? Do you envy sinners? Do you listen and obey your parents? Do you dwell in the seat of the scornful? Do you follow the advice of the wicked? Do you fear God? Do you love God? Are your ways in tune with God? Do a personality check. He who thinks he stands Take heed,  lest he fall

When show off goes wrong...

Show off is the process of attracting attention for the purpose of bragging or personal exhibition. In Matthew 6, we are told of some instances where show off is wrong. 1. When you give, don't show off by shouting it out to get attention of your charity.  Don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing when you give. Some of us just like to be noticed when we give.  If you show off your giving,  you would lose your reward from God in heaven and it would become a fruitless effort. 2. When you pray,  don't have the mindset of "let everyone know I am praying". Pray with all humility. 3. When fasting,  don't make it obvious. Don't let everyone know you are fasting Comb your hair,  wash your face,  dress well,  wear good clothes,  don't look pale. When you do this,  no one would suspect you are fasting except God and he would reward you. God bless you! Image source: National Geographical Society.

Blessings and Curses....

There is a thin line between blessings and curses which is similar to that of obedience and disobedience. As there are many blessings,  so are there many curses.  But the choice is yours to make. God's blessings are to those who have humble and contrite hearts, to those who tremble at his word.  Isaiah 66:2 God's blessings goes to people who make heaven, all those who obey his word and commandments,  those who are waiting for his return,  those who are doing everything they can to make heaven,  those who believe in Jesus even when they haven't seen him. When God decides to bless you,  he blesses you and your generation.  You can also be a channel of blessings.  Genesis 12:2. An example is Abraham. God's curses are to those who choose their own ways and are happy in their sins. Isaiah 66:3. God's curses goes to those who refuse to repent of their evil deeds Revelation 16:11, those who keep all the glory to themselves Revelation 1...

He is still coming....

One of the lord's promises is that Jesus is coming back. In the book of John 14:1-3, he said he is going to prepare a place for us and when it is ready,  he would come back for us. But some of us think that Jesus is not coming again.  We think he has forgotten. Some of us even say "we have been hearing about his coming for a long time,  why then is he not coming" Remember a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day to the lord.  2 Peter 3:8 I am here to tell you and assure you that Jesus is not slow about his promise to return as some of you think.  He is being patient for your sake. He doesn't want anyone to perish,  so he is giving more time for everyone to repent.  2 Peter 3:9-10 But when he shall come,  he would come like a thief in the night,  that is unexpectedly. No one knows the hour Jesus cometh.  His coming is not dependent on time zones. The trumpet would sound at the same time all over the wo...

The Agreement.....

Agreement is an understanding between entities to follow a specific course of conduct. If there is no understanding,  there can't be an agreement. When things are done in agreement,  it results in increase in productivity.  The disciples were in one accord. Can two come together except they agree Amos 3:3 Agreement is a state of unity.  When two musical notes harmonizes,  it produces a beautiful sound. When you make an agreement with God,  make sure to keep your own part of the agreement. God has kept his own part of the agreement by sending Jesus to die for our sins.  Why don't we fulfil our own part of the agreement by living for him....


God's words, are ye and amen.  If he promises to do something,  he would do it. He does exactly as he promises.  God doesn't lie.  Can you remember the promise Good gave Noah, never to destroy the earth with flood again using a rainbow as a sign to remember his promises. Genesis 9:11-13 Since we are children of God,  we should always keep our promise.  If you can't keep it,  then don't make a promise. But some of us don't do what is right. God might have promised,  but if you don't do what is right and good in the lord's sight, you may not partake of the promise. This is how we miss God's promise for our lives. Deuteronomy 6:18;7:12 Vows are also promises- marriage vows, money vows,  e.t.c.  Deuteronomy 23:21. Let us fulfil our vows if not we would be guilty of sin. It is dangerous to make a rach promise to God before counting the cost Proverbs 20:25 A person who doesn't give a promised gift is like clouds and wind that don'...

The medal and the race

During a race, an athlete encounters a lot of things.  He might have muscle cramps, he might fall or make mistakes by changing lanes. No one gets the medal until the race finishes. The athlete only gets the medal if he finishes well.  Just because he fell doesn't mean he can't win the race.  To win the race, he has to abide by the rules of the game. An athlete must also wear the right outfit to be able to run well. This illustration also applies to our Christian race.  You cannot receive a crown until you have finished the race. Hebrews 11:40. Our Christian race is a very long one.  We must also abide by the rules by keeping God's commandments and also obeying them. God's word should be a source of energy to finish the race. Grace is needed for the race.  We must put on our helmet of salvation,  shield of faith and love, sword of the spirit,  sturdy belt of truth,  body armour of God's righteousness and the show of peace to finish the ...

Abomination.... Part 7

Today is the finale of the abomination series....  Seven things which are an abomination to God.  Proverbs 6:16-20 Number 7: He that soweth discord among brethren. He paints the walls with gossip Planting seeds of strife Causing separation within people Is his speciality He tattles like a tattler Looking for where to blow the whistle A glamorous snitch. If your job is to sow discord among brothers or saying things that would make people hare each other or causing strife,  you are commiting an abomination.  God hates strife.  Since God is love,  he hates anything that would bring hatred among his people.  Learn to live in peace and unity.  Stop planting seeds of strife and gossip.  Proverbs 16:28, Proverbs 17:1 A dry crust eaten in peace is better than a great feast eaten with strife... THE END.... Thank you for reading this series. God bless you...

Abomination ... part 6

Today is the semi final! 7 things that are an abomination to God.  Proverbs 6:16-20 Number 6: a false witness that speaketh lies He wasn't even near But he said he was there He said he was afarid But he didn't even fear He said the happened there But it didn't even start there He said he was lying straight But he didn't even get to the floor Swaying his testimony By the opinion of the majority Making mockery of justice... If you weren't there, just don't talk.  Bearing false witness and then lying is like adding insult to an injury.  You are only making matters worse.  He who bears false witness is a traitor.  He would not go unpunished. His words would be caught off.  He will contradict himself.  A false witness end is punishment.  Don't sway your testimony by the opinion of the majority.  Exodus 23:2, Malachi 3:5, Proverbs 19:28, Deuteronomy 19:16-19 To be continued tomorrow....

Abomination.. Part 5

Today's the fifth day.... Let's not forget our bible reference, Proverbs 6:16-20 We would be considering the fifth abomination Number 5: Feet that runs into mischief Trouble makers Like lions they crouch silently Waiting to pounce on the helpless Like hunters they capture their victims And drag them away in nets Like snakes they are looking All around for the victim These are trouble makers Always on the lookout For who to trouble A nuisance in disguise. If you are always causing trouble or annoying people,  you are commuting an abomination into God.  When you make trouble,  it backfires at you. The lord is a refuge in time of trouble.  When you cause trouble and then the person you troubled goes to God,  your end result is unknown.  Psalms 9:9

Abomination... Part 4

Welcome to another day... Today we would consider the 4th abomination into God. Proverbs 6:16-20 Number 4: A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations His thoughts are consuming Yet heartless What goes on in his mind Is that which must not be named If only you knew what he is thinking You would flee For as a man thinketh in his heart So is he.... If you always plot evil,  plan evil,  think of evil,  very soon you would carry out the action.  The end of the wicked is destruction.  As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.  If you feed your heart with evil thoughts and wicked things,  they would soon consume you.  When you plan violence,  it would fall on your head.  Psalm 7:16 Take heed.... To be continued tomorrow....

Abomination.... Part 3

Welcome to day three of our series.... Don't forget our point of emphasis Proverbs 6:16-20. Seven things which are an abomination to God. Number 3: Hands that shed innocent blood. Murder.... Epinephrine gushed down their veins With no sympathy for their victims A sense of accomplishment Occupied their stony hearts With little sense of sympathy They swallow people alive As the grave swallows its victims But they don't know that Death is their end The cry of the innocent He who kills must be k....ed Murder is an abominable act in the sight of God.  The ten commandments even stated it clearly that thou shall not kill.  When Cain killed his brother,  he was punished. Genesis 4:8-15, Genesis 9:6. Anyone who kills another person must be  executed by man.  Gen 9:6. When you kill,  you kill a part of your own soul.  Numbers 35:16. Anyone who kills,  would be killed.... To be continued tomorrow

Abomination... Part 2

We started this series yesterday. There are 6 things the lord hates and 7are an abomination into him Proverbs 6:16-20 Number 2: A lying tongue Every inch of it No,  every gram of it Even to the finest picogram Was all covered with lies The sharpness of his tonuge Pierced through the human heart The cunny nature of it Likened to that of a snake Carried its bag of confusion But at the end Even though the tongue was small The weight of the sin it commits daily Far out weights its weight. The tongue as small as it seems, is a disastrous weapon if not well tamed.  When lying is added to it,  it is likened to a nuclear weapon. A lying tongue hates its victims and flattery caused ruin.  Anything created by lying leads to destruction.  Proverbs 21:6, Proverbs 26:28. The result of lying is punishment and death.  Jeremiah 14:15. Ananias and sapphira are examples of people who died because they lied. Lie is lie.... To be continued tomorrow...

Abomination!!! Part 1

This week,  we would be starting another series called abomination..... There are 6 things the lord hates and 7 are an abomination to him...  Proverbs 6:16-20 Number 1: A proud look Pride goeth before a fall A popular saying heard by many But observed by a few Forceful humility would befall the proud But honour would befall the humble Why not cut down your boastful wings And put on a garment of humility Why not avoid the stress Of falling before being humbled By avoiding pride By been humble and then honoured For the rise of the fallen Might be plaguing You either rise or not The aftermath of such fall Is unpredictable.... Looking proud is an abomination to God. Remember you just look proud,  you ain't behaving proud.  So what then will we categorize being proud as; a double abomination. God hates the proud.  He gives grace to the humble. No wonder pride goes before a fall. A proud man is always looking down on people and not seein...

Adultery and Fornication.....

He had all the qualities He was the first born The beginning of strength The Excellency of dignity The Excellency of power Something happened It started with the body Then pierced into the soul And devoured the spirit He became unstable as water He was reduced to a piece of bread Excellency was gone Why Because he took what was not his He laid with her... Adultery and fornication is a fast rising sin that is prevalent in this generation.  Most people don't see it as sin,  but it actually is. God hates it.  1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? 3:17   God will bring ruin upon anyone who ruins this temple. For God's temple is holy, and you Christians are that temple. Adultery is illicit sexual relationship between a married person and other persons apart from his or her spouse Fornication is sexual immorality between unmarried people.  This is very...

Youthful exorbitance

He played so hard And worked so little He considered his play, hard work He toiled around Not doing anything reasonable When time had passed him He awoke from his slumber Looking for that golden second That had ticked pass him But it couldn't be found His youthful power His youthful strength Had all gone Down the drain He then remembered the famous saying Time waits for no man Behold the evil days had already come No pleasure was found in him. Lamentations 3:27 "It is good that a man bear his yoke in his youth. Do all you can while you are still young. While you still have the strength.  Work now and play later.  Don't waste the strength of your youth. Your youth a golden treasure that fades away with time....

Song review: Deeper by Marvin Sapp

The song we would be reviewing today is "deeper" by MarVin Sapp When I first listened to this song, I fell in love with the lyrics... The lyrics There is a call That resounds in my ear It’s calling me deeper, deeper Breaks every failure And removes all my fears It’s calling me deeper, deeper See the place that am in Can no longer contain my destiny Though it may have some pain but I adhere to the call inside…. Of me Chorus Its calling me deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper 2x  Choir repeat verse  Bridge This can’t be it God is so much bigger than this  I was at a point where I wanted to quit Then I heard a new call. Deeper 7x Stronger 7x Stronger, wiser, better, drawing me deeper 2x Oooooooooooo calling me deeper 2x Repeat bridge Bridge This can’t be it God is so much bigger than this I was at a point where I wanted to quit Then I heard a new call. #marvinsapp #iwin #deeper #gospelsongs #Godswatchman

Lemons and Lemonades...

Life is not so easy or a bed of roses.  You have to make lemonades out of lemons.  If life gives you a lemon,  make a lemonades. Focus on the positive situations of life. You have to make perfection out of imperfections. Work with what you have Go through that training process Go through that building process Go through that branding process Wanting lemonades without using lemons doesn't end well. Even if there are only lemons in your situation, making it sour, take a leap of hope and see the sweet lemonades ahead! Remember when life throws you a lemon, make a lemonade!


God,  the ultimate connector No network failure No disappointments No closing hours No lunch break No corruption No sleeping on duty Not taxes No returns No delay No failure Tune in to God and connect to his unfailing source of grace.  When God connects you,  you are forever connected.  Connect to be connected. To connect to a network,  you have to meet their prerequisites by having a phone,  getting a sim card and having money on it. To connect to God,  you have to meet his prerequisites by being clean,  holy, accepting him as your lord and saviour,  listen to him and read his word. God created all things, so he knows everybody He is the ultimate connector Tune in Not tuning to God and expecting him to hear you is like having a radio and not putting it on, and expecting to hear something. Stay tuned!

A future and a hope...

It look so bright With all the happy new year's echo All with the hope for chamge But with a different expectation Not too long Change came But took a different dimension Recession set in Gala became beefless 10 naira Noreos biscuit became extinct The price of palm oil is nothing to write home about Would there be fried rice and jollof rice this Christmas Dear 2017, Hope you are stocked with something better Would things ever remain the same But we have this hope that all things will work for our good A different avenue for change.... @muzikally_addicted