Normality in Abnormality Part 4

Thank you for following up the series...
Our Bible reference is Proverbs 25

Lesson 4: Proverbs 25:11-14
Timely advice is as lovely as golden apples in a silver basket.
25:12  Valid criticism is as treasured by the one who heeds it as jewelry made from finest gold.
25:13  Faithful messengers are as refreshing as snow in the heat of summer. They revive the spirit of their employer.
25:14  A person who doesn't give a promised gift is like clouds and wind that don't bring rain.

Don't talk too much. Talk when it is right.  An idea well expressed is like a design of gold set in silver.  There is power in communication.  Make sure your words are wisely chosen lest you begin to sound like a fool.  When you speak good words at the right time, your words would be appreciated. Communication is not based on the amount of words one might say,  but the timing of what one says.

There is no better blessing than when someone who is inexperienced listens and adheres to a warning given by an experienced person.  This would relieve you of making mistakes the experienced person could have made and might make the road more smooth.  Don't be proud or arrogant.

When you are reliable,  people's minds can be at ease when you are given a task,  because they know you would deliver,  and more tasks would be allocated to you.  Be reliable in everything you do.

When you make a promise,  fulfil it.  It is not by force to make a promise you can't keep. If you think you can do something you know you can't do,  you would be embarrassed when you fail.  This is a crash on one's integrity. The Bible likened the person to a cloud and wind without rain.  Useless!

To be continued tomorrow!
Have a nice day! 


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